


If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to 订单 安装服务使用我们的实时聊天.


Note: this method does not provide 样本数据 installation.


在你继续之前, please make sure you have already downloaded the template 和 extracted the files from the template package. You can check detailed tutorials on 如何 extract files from the template package using WinZipStuffitExp和er.

When the files are extracted, you can proceed to uploading the template.


Log into your PrestaShop admin panel 和 navigate to Preferences -> 主题. 在页面顶部单击 添加新主题 按钮(1).

点击 添加文件 按钮(1) in Import from your computer section. Navigate to previously unzipped template package 和 open themeinstallator 文件夹.

选择主题 .Zip文件,然后单击 保存 (2).

上传过程开始. You will see the message that the theme has been successfully uploaded. Your new theme preview will appear 在 list of installed themes.

In 订单 to activate the theme, hover the cursor over the theme preview icon 和 click 使用这个主题.

You will see the screen with the information about the modules used 在 theme, the number of modules that are turned on 和 off. 点击 保存 为了继续.

后 this you will see the pop-up with the message about successful theme activation: the theme has been installed successfully, images have been re-generated up to the defined 在me dimensions. 要完成安装,请单击 完成 button.

Automatic installation with demo data (Sample data installer)

If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to 订单 使用我们的 即时聊天.

To make your PrestaShop store appear the same as template live demo, you need to install 样本数据. It will contain all demo products, categories, modules 和 store settings.

Please do not use the 样本数据 for your running website! 这将取代你所有的 存储产品和存储设置.

Please make sure your version of PrestaShop 引擎匹配指定的版本 in "Technical Details" tab, mentioned as "PrestaShop Engine: 1.X.X.X".
Also, make sure your database tables prefix is ps_. 仅当您使用PrestaShop时安装示例数据 引擎匹配指定的版本.

In 订单 to install 样本数据 using the Sample data installer module, 请按照步骤1的指示操作 (主题导入)本手册. Then in your store admin panel you'll see Sample data installer module.

Using this module you can easily install store 样本数据 in few easy steps. 请做到以下几点:

  1. 从管理面板菜单中单击 “安装演示商店” 项.

  2. 选择并上传示例数据文件 “sample_data” 模板包的目录. 您可以使用 “浏览本地文件” button or dragging 样本数据 files to the 浏览器窗口.

  3. You will see the pop-up window offering different types of 样本数据 installation. 默认设置为 “加载所有内容”类型(1). This means that all 样本数据 will be imported to your store. 如果是这样的话 你需要,点击“确认”按钮.

    If you do not need to install all 样本数据, 取消选中“加载所有内容”(1), 选择所需的 options below by checking options the same way (2) 和 confirm your choice (3).

  4. 等待文件上传完成.

  5. 然后单击 “继续安装” button.

  6. Then Sample data installer will automatically configure your store 和 other modules. 这可能需要几个小时 分钟.

  7. When 样本数据 is installed successfully, you need to perform the last step - regenerate images. 点击 “转到重新生成页面” button.

  8. 要重新生成图像,请单击 “重新生成缩略图” button.

Congratulations, your demo store is installed.

Manual template installation with 样本数据

If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to 订单 使用我们的 即时聊天.

To make your PrestaShop store appear the same as template live demo, you need to install 样本数据. It will contain all demo products, categories, modules 和 store settings.

Please do not use the 样本数据 for your running website! 这将取代你所有的 存储产品和存储设置.

Please make sure your version of PrestaShop 引擎匹配指定的版本 in "Technical Details" tab, mentioned as "PrestaShop Engine: 1.X.X.X".
Also, make sure your database tables prefix is ps_. 仅当您使用PrestaShop时安装示例数据 引擎匹配指定的版本.



  1. 打开模板包.
  2. 然后去 / / manual_install /主题 文件夹.
  3. 上传 / img /, /模块// /主题 文件夹到PrestaShop 根目录.

您可以查看详细的视频 教程 如何 to upload files to server using FTP manager如何 upload files to a server using cPanel (WebHost Manager, WHM).


样例数据作为 .SQL文件. 它位于 主题/ manual_install / 模板的 并被称为 转储.sql.

转储.sql file can be installed using the phpMyAdmin tool or some other database management tool in your hosting 控制面板. 本教程详细介绍 如何 安装SQL文件 我能帮你.

在你继续之前, please back up your database. 您可以查看详细的视频 教程 如何备份数据库.

Please make sure your version of PrestaShop engine matches the template requirements. 否则会损坏数据库.

完成转储的安装后.sql file, you will need to activate the template.

从PrestaShop管理面板转到 Preferences > 主题中选择您的模板 主题 节并点击 保存.


Once the multi-language template is installed, you will be able to add all languages provided with it (English, 法国, 西班牙语, 德国, 到网上商店平台. 可以这样做:

'Localization > Translations' 在管理面板中,找到 “添加/更新语言” 和 add languages by choosing them from the drop-down menu (1) 然后点击 “添加或更新一种语言” button (2).

If you do not want to have some languages, you can delete them (2) 或者关掉它们 (1)'Localization > Languages' menu.


You can use this method of installation if you have a running PrestaShop website 和 just want to install a new template.

Modules configuration table can be found on the template livedemo page. Find the 'S项ap' link in top or in footer menu 和 go the S项ap -> Pages -> Pages Configuration.

上传模板文件 和 theme activation

  1. 打开模板包.
  2. 然后去 / / manual_install /主题 文件夹.
  3. 上传 /模块// /主题 文件夹到PrestaShop根目录.
  4. 在PrestaShop管理面板中导航到 Preferences > 主题, select the theme you installed (you can also use the enabled theme, it will not cause any issues for your enabled theme). 点击 “高级设置” 按钮(1).

  5. On the appeared screen select the directory with your new theme name (1) 和 click “保存” 按钮(2).


Each template is provided with some specific module settings. To make the modules appear the same as on the demo preview, you will need to configure them. All modules can be configured 在 PrestaShop admin panel.

在PrestaShop管理面板中,选择 Modules 和 Services > Modules 和 Services 从主菜单中.

On the Modules page you can see the list of available PrestaShop modules. 您可能需要安装其中的一些.

To install a module, locate it 在 list 和 click the “安装” button.

Using the module links you can activate/deactivate them (启用 | 禁用 链接),将其设置重置为默认值(重置 链接),删除模块(删除 链接)或配置它(配置 链接).

激活 必要的模块,您需要 给他们分配正确的位置.

在PrestaShop管理面板中,选择 Modules 和 Services > Positions 从顶部菜单. To place a module 在 required position, just drag it up or down 在 modules list.


In PrestaShop you can use predefined image dimensions for product images, 类别的图片, 制造商, 等.

例如,图像的 “回家” dimensions are usually used for the product images on category listings, “大” for main product image on the product info page.

To configure product image dimensions, open your PrestaShop admin panel, go to Preferences > Images 和 set the image dimensions as described on 配置页面 在模板现场演示.