什么是一个好的登陆页? 我们认为它必须反映一个公司的精神, 同时不引人注目地号召访问者采取行动. 这个响应性的新生儿登陆页面结合了伟大的设计...
销售: 30
支持: 4.1/5


家庭是我们生活中最重要的东西. Many sites related to family or parenting offer different ways to spend time with relatives. Well, we are sharing with you some of the best family landing page templates for your business. 这些 web themes are the best options to create a family-friendly website. Besides, they are designed for all kinds of purposes and levels of expertise. 因此, 如果你想建立一个网站或只是需要一些帮助与设计, 这些现成的解决方案将作为一个很好的起点.

功能你得到与家谱 & 历史登录页面模板

  • 这些 为移动设备设计的 designs are fully responsive, so your website will look just as good on any device.
  • 用一个完整的 优化代码 对于搜索引擎来说,你可以为你的网站带来更多的流量.
  • 切片PSD 文件是快速启动设计过程的一种简单快捷的方法. 它们以分层PSD文件的形式出现, so you can easily edit them yourself or work with a designer to make them perfect for you!
  • 视差 effect will let the users feel they are moving through your page instead of just scrolling down.
  • Retina-ready 支持将确保您的图像在任何设备上都清晰.
  • 返回顶部按钮 will take your visitors back to the top of the page with just one click.
  • 一个专门的 锚定菜单 使浏览更容易. It allows visitors to navigate different sections and find information about specific topics.
  • 让你的烦恼休息一下. 向我们的随时可用伸出援手 all-around-the-clock支持 团队合作,让你的生活没有压力!


Kin-oriented one-page themes are good for different leisure or 教育al purposes like 家庭中心、幼儿园、商场和娱乐中心. 同样重要的是, the pre-made design layouts are created by graphic designers and developers, 通常有营销专业人员的参与. 因此, if you are looking for a professionally designed single-page theme for a family-orientated business, 看一看这个系列绝对值得你花时间.

如何使用家谱 & 历史单页网站模板

如果你是网站建设方面的专家, you can always create your landing page using one of our kindred-oriented web themes as a starting point. 更多的over, every skilled developer can create a destination page without hiring a designer. After all, why go through the hassle when buying a predesigned HTML layout? 它很容易编辑,将有助于节省时间和金钱.

Likewise, many end-users with no coding knowledge use ready-made themes as well. 例如, MotoCMS templates can be easily used by non-coders as well as those with experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS, 和NodeJS. 除了, MotoCMS provide a user-friendly drag-and-drop editor for those who need a quick start for their website.

总之, one-page parentage web themes are available for use by anyone who has a fleshed-out idea of what they want their page to look like and does not want to hire a designer. Pre-made solutions are good as a starting point and can be customized to fit users' needs. 最后,它们附带了详细的文档和客户支持.


What kind of family landing page templates are available for me to use?

Every relatives-themed design for a single-page site is uniquely designed with a specific purpose in mind. 的 most popular ones are business card sites, advertisements, social media PPC & PPV,潜在客户生成和特殊页面.


我们只提供MotoCMS产品的试用期. So, we strongly recommend that you test other-type themes in the 现场演示. 除了, there may be a lite version of a paid similar product in the collection of freebies.


是的,如果你加入怪物ONE计划,你就可以. Its subscribers do not pay per order, only a small fixed price per month/year/single-time (i.e.,一生).


SEO-friendly themes make it easier for 搜索 engine crawlers to read and index the content. 主要目标是帮助你的网站在搜索引擎中排名更高. 另外, the templates use meta tags and other SEO features to help your site rank higher in 搜索 engine results pages.

如何制作家谱 & 历史登陆页转换-提示由Template怪物

观看有关最热门趋势的有用视频 & 教育、休闲登陆页面创建小贴士. 用我们的指南建立一个转换的家庭登陆页. It's perfect for 家庭中心、幼儿园、商场和娱乐中心 one-page websites.